Monday, September 28, 2015

Mase Hit With A Tax Lien

Mase was hit with a federal tax lien of $12,036.51. It's definitely a familiar story, at this point you could insert many a rapper name into this headline and the result would be similar. Today the latest hip-hop artist to be targeted by Uncle Sam is none other than pastor Mase. The Jasmine Brand reports that the documents were filed in Georgia which accuse the Harlem spitter of neglecting to pay his taxes for the year 2010, resulting in $12,036.51 tax lien. Mase hasn't been having the best of luck this past year, when it comes to finances. You may recall he was sued by a model when he used her photograph without her permission for one of his song's cover art, resulting in a $7,500 judgement. On top of that, he divorced his long-time wife, and so now he's supporting her with $6,000/month.

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