Saturday, February 6, 2016

Snoop Dogg & The Cops Seem To Disagree Over Whether His Equipment Was Stolen

The reports from Snoop Dogg and the police don't really line up. Earlier this week, it was reported that a bunch of essential musical equipment -- as well as luggage and laptops -- were stolen from a van associated with Snoop Dogg's stage show in San Fransisco. Shortly after the news hit TMZ, Snoop denied that any gear had been taken, insisting that he had everything with him, and calling the story false. "They didn't get me, they got somebody else," he stated, revealing that he was only just on his way to the Bay Area. Strangely, none of this lines up with the story police have on file, which states that "Snoop Dog's [sic] Silver Suburban" was broken into, and that everything for the show the following night was in the van, according to TMZ. It's also written that one of the band members was "standing by the van, freaking out about the magnitude of the loss." Either none of this info got to Snoop, or this is one hell of a mix-up, but the rapper was able to play the show anyway, so things seem to have worked out.

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