Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Sean Kingston Sues LA Nightclub For Alleged Assault & Stolen Chain

Sean Kingston is suing Penthouse Nightclub in LA for last week's assault & chain heist. Sean Kingston was on the wrong end of a reported jewelry heist last week at LA’s Penthouse Nightclub, when two men allegedly assaulted him & jacked his $300K chain. However, it appears Kingston isn’t trying to find out the names of those two men, but rather instead he’s putting the blame on the actual nightclub. According to TMZ, Kingston has filed a lawsuit against Penthouse Nightclub, insisting they helped orchestrate the assault and robbery altogether. The lawsuit states that Kingston claims he was in the VIP area of the club when a security guard informed him that another VIP guest wanted to speak to him. Kingston says that when he went over to talk to the “guest”, he was cornered by two men who punched him, hit him with a champagne bottle, and eventually stole his chain right off his neck. As a result, Kingston is suing the nightclub for more than $900,000 worth in property & damages. Whether he gets that amount or not remains unknown, but we’ll keep you posted if anymore on this story develops.

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